Thursday, July 11, 2013

Facebook Updates from Hopkins

July 9, 2013 at 1:10am · I am in a bed in the ER but am still waiting to see a PA or doctor. In the meantime my g-tube decided to pop out so now we have to stick something in so the stoma doesn't close up until we decide what to do. I had a traumatic experience with this at Mayo so grateful for prayers.
10 hours ago · Hi friends, thank you for all your prayers. I haven't slept yet and am getting ready to have my gtube replaced bedside. Prayers for this to be successful and not too difficult are much-appreciated. I'm on IV Heparin now but still waiting to hear about the PICC. My GI symptoms have been very challenging, and I've been teary but God is sustaining me. Thank you for praying.
30 minutes ago · Thank you all so much for praying. The g-tube was not able to be re-inserted as too much time had passed since it came out so the stoma has begun to close and is no longer big enough to hold the tube. I could have a procedure to put it in again but I am going to hold off on that at the moment since it would require a new incision, etc.

Tomorrow morning the doctors will be meeting to decide whether or not to remove my PICC line or keep it in. Apparently there are some doctors who believe it should come out because of the clot and others who believe it is safer for it to stay in as long as I remain on blood thinners.They are running labs quite frequently to get me to the right therapeutic dose of iv heparin. Then when I go home I would have to initially continue with blood thinner shots until I could take enough of a blood thinner pill to transition off the injections.

At the moment, I am facing a number of hurdles...increased pain that seems to be connected to the heparin, no longer having a g-tube to use for venting, no sleep, the potential of being on blood thinners for the unforeseeable future, unsure if my PICC is still functional or not, unsure where my nutrition will come from, and the list goes on.... Much is unsure but there is also much that IS SURE. God has carried me this far, and I know He is not going to leave me now. He is my Hope.

Thank you for helping me be strong in Him when I have nothing left. I am just so aware of how much I need your prayers to hang on and persevere. Let's keep trusting Him! He knows what is BEST especially when I can't see the next step.
" hope, LORD, is in You."- Psalm 25:22

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord , whose trust IS the Lord." - Jeremiah 17:7

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