Friday, January 31, 2014

The Line is Coming Out Today!

I'm scheduled for a 1pm procedure today to remove the PICC under fluoroscopy. Grateful for prayers for no complications and peace as they remove the line - eyes on Jesus and not the blood clots or anything else! And then for power to drink more than 9 ounces a day from here on out so that I can move forward without dependency on IV fluids. 

Thank you all so much! 

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible." - Matthew 19:26

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Facebook Updates

Hi friends,

Once again, I haven't been able to keep up with blog updates. I'm pasting updates from Facebook below and then will follow with a short post.
January 23, 2014

Hi friends,

Thank you so much for praying for me yesterday. It was a rough day, and I am grateful for how God enabled me to press through. My doctor was quite disturbed that my PICC had been in all this time. Apparently, there was some miscommunication between his office and the hematologists and interventional radiologists involved in my case. Some had said it was okay to leave the line in as long as I was using it and others had recommended it come out. Either way, he made it clear that it should not stay in any longer and is having it scheduled for removal as soon as possible.

He did not believe I should have another line or port placed which leaves me relying fully on the ability to drink. So I am looking at the reality of needing to go from 9oz/day to 32oz/day, knowing that if I can't make it for a few days it won't be the end of me, but it wouldn't be pleasant to add dehydration to the picture.

So here are the big prayer requests:

- Peace and safety during the removal of the line. It should be simple removal (my first one was), but this one has just been in a very.long.time. There is good deal of inflammation in the veins, and the line is wrapped up in multiple clots, so there's that added component of risk. (I'll tell you again when I'm actually scheduled.)

- Faith to keep pressing ahead with taking in more fluids and wisdom to know how to approach it in the most successful way.

- That God would make a way for me to drink sufficient fluids once the line is removed. Nothing is impossible for Him!

- Healing and relief from the unexplained right-sided pain that necessitates much of my crutch dependency. I know God can remove it if that is what's best!

- Sleep and rest for my mind and heart. Symptoms have grown more difficult over the past few days, and I am having difficulty breathing well.

Thank you so very much!
"I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything THROUGH CHRIST, Who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:12-13

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope IN HIM.” The Lord is GOOD to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation OF THE LORD." - Lamentations 3:21-26

January 21, 2014

Hi friends,
I know it's been a while since I've updated. I tried to "forget" about things as much as possible over the holidays and really put things off. Well, now things cannot wait any longer. This week is packed with appointments from Rockville to Frederick to Lutherville and places in-between. I missed one today because of the snow, but I'm grateful for a chance to stay home before the next two days.

Tomorrow, I will see my Hopkins GI doctor for the first time since May. He'll likely be encouraged at my progress, but there is not a clear answer for how to "fix" my hydration issue. My PICC line must come out. It had its one-year anniversary a few days ago, and some doctors say it shouldn't have stayed in past July. The line is wrapped up in multiple clots, and the veins are quite inflamed and tired of hosting an intruder for so long. There is still concern and hesitation that placing a port may not be the best course of action right now, and I feel the same way. I have been pushing myself each day to drink an ounce an hour and setting my phone alarm to remind me (let me just say that an hour sure goes by fast!). Some days I've hit 14 oz (including the flaxmilk used in hot cereal or a morning shake), but the average is around 9 oz a day (not even half-way yet). So, I'm facing the reality of not being ready for this line to come out in the hydration-realm but way overdue for it to come out in every other way.

I also met with my nutritionist yesterday for the first time since September, and she is not sure of a solution for the hydration either but encouraged me to do my best to keep up with drinking the ounce every hour.

I've been struggling with breathing difficulty, chest tightness, more pain, etc. over the past few days, and these are possibly additional reasons for the line to come out.

My labs also show that things are not improving too quickly, and I need additional iron infusions, among other things. Despite all of this, and the uncertainty ahead, there is so much to be grateful for...taking a walk by myself "for the first time in forever," continuing to press forward with swallowing, eating an egg and steamed kale every day, and the list goes on....

As I face tomorrow and the rest of the week, I would be so grateful for prayers for strength, wisdom, and faith to follow wherever He leads. God is able to make my body work again. Asking Him to increase my faith and display His power and goodness in new ways.
Let him who walks in darkness and has no light trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God. - Isaiah 50:10

January 1, 2014

"God's delays don't make things worse. They always make things better." - Tim Keller 

Looking back on the year past, I am amazed I'm still here. God has preserved and kept my life. The path has been harder than I ever dreamed, yet He has never failed me. The mountains ahead are far too daunting for me to climb alone, but I know Who goes before me and who has promised to strengthen my weary frame. I want to praise Him tonight for His goodness and mercy, especially shown when I least deserved it.

Praise our God, all peoples,
let the sound of his praise be heard;
He has preserved our lives
and kept our feet from slipping.
For You, God, tested us;
You refined us like silver.
You brought us into prison
and laid burdens on our backs.
You let people ride over our heads;
we went through fire and water,
but You brought us to a place of abundance. - Psalm 66:8-12

I may not be in "a place of abundance" yet, but that Day will come, and while I'm waiting I can praise Him!

And I want to thank each of you dear friends. Where would I be without each of you? Your friendships are precious gifts to me! He has been so good.

December 21, 2013

Dear friends, thank you so much for your prayers yesterday. It's hard to describe what happened, but basically, I was standing in front of the computer trying to print something when I suddenly experienced a "lurch" feeling in my head and grew instantly weak, heavy, dizzy, hot, and had a difficult time getting words together and out of my mouth. My primary care asked me to go to the ER after I called his office to explain. I thought my blood might have been too thin, as I had just upped my dosage of blood thinner over the past few days, but it turns out I was okay in that area. Labs only confirmed that I am still seriously anemic. I'm not sure what caused the sudden shift yesterday, but I am grateful I was able to come home after five+ hours in the ER yesterday.

I am still struggling with similar symptoms and feel very weak and unwell, but I honestly feel this way quite often. It was just the sudden onset and dramatic difference that had us extra concerned. Anyway, I'm running out of words right now (or the strength to get them out), so I just want to say thank you again for all your prayers, and I hope to make it through Christmas before dealing with all the decisions that are awaiting me.

Love you all!

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