Sunday, March 31, 2013

New Appointment Tomorrow Morning

Hi friends,

I'm sorry for the long pause in updates again. I have been so grateful to be out of the hospital for the past three weeks, but my symptoms have been so severe that it has often been a moment by moment endurance battle.

I have not yet made a decision about the surgical j-tube and still need to learn more about it. I continue to receive my nutrition through nightly 12 hour TPN which has been very difficult. It has been a nice blessing to not be connected to anything during the daytime, though.

Tomorrow morning, I leave the house around 7:15am for a 9am appointment with a new motility specialist at Hopkins. I would be grateful for prayer that God would give wisdom through this appointment and strength to communicate clearly and know what questions to ask.

Depending on the outcome of this appointment, I am seriously considering going to the Mayo Clinic there are several more pieces yet to fall into place before that can be determined. I hope to have more clarity through the course of this week.

God has been helping me sip a few ounces of chicken broth each morning for the past week, and I am fighting to continue that and eventually increase. Right now, it is not working too well, but I'm able to get it down, and I am grateful.

It has been wonderful thinking this Easter weekend on how much hope we've been given in Christ because of His death and resurrection. One Day all this will end, and my body will be able to eat, and drink, and run, and dance, but until that Day, I want to grow in trusting Him more and loving Him more than anything else in this life.

Thank you all for your prayers. They have been a constant source of sustaining power.


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