Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hopkins, Day 7 Update

Dear friends,

I greatly missed being at church this morning and with so many of you, but God has blessed me greatly even inside this hospital.

Last night, I had the privilege of meeting, Jessica Rehn, a true hero and someone I so greatly respect for her endurance, joy, faith, and trust in the Lord through the dark valley of cancer. God miraculously healed her of stage four breast cancer this past year. She came to visit me last night even though it was quite late, and we had a wonderful time laughing and sharing stories of God's goodness in our lives. She is a fighter and I learned a lot from her faith.

After Jess left early this morning (it was after 1am!), I got to know one of my lovely nurses from Cameroon a bit better, and learned that she was a Christian. We got to talk about all our favorite songs.

I was able to get some sleep last night, and the tube feeds have continued. I was bumped up to 30 this morning and have been at my goal rate of 40 for about two hours now.

This morning, I enjoyed listening to the songs that I was missing at church back home and started watching a Piper sermon on joy amidst suffering. I was pretty desperate for a way to move around and even hoped for a chance to see the sunlight and get some fresh air for the first time in a week, but it didn't look like it was going to happen. I asked the Lord to send me someone, and soon after, my tech came by and offered to take me. My nurse kindly unhooked me from my IV and pump, and I got to take a walk and go outside a bit. It was so encouraging to talk with Listra. She loves God and told me to keep asking and believing and I will see God answer my cries. I was so blessed by my time with her. We even ran into my new friend who put in my PICC yesterday morning!

Hopkins has a huge statue of Jesus in the historic part of the hospital, so we took time to visit it and took a few pictures. It's beautiful, and underneath are the words from Matthew 11:28, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." When I got back to my room, I discovered that the same verse was on my desk calendar today. :)

At the moment, I'm getting ready to have a Raven's party in my room. One of the girls from housekeeping is going to join me, and I'm grateful for the company. Anyone else is welcome! :) I'm afraid the TV is only a 12-inch, though. We'll still have fun.

So, more to come later, but for now I would be so grateful for continued prayers that I could endure through these tube feeds and know how to continue fighting and moving forward while believing in hope that He will rescue me at the right time.

Love you all!
But as for me, my prayer is to You, O Lord.
At an acceptable time, O God,
in the abundance of Your steadfast love answer me in Your saving faithfulness. - Psalm 69:13

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