Monday, August 16, 2010

If You Lost It All…

I wanted to introduce you all to two dear people who are incredible living illustrations of joy and hope in their Lord in the midst of physical suffering far greater than I have known. Erin Leach has suffered from epilepsy for the past seven years, and John Spiro suffers from ALS and has daily watched his ability to live a "normal" life slip away with each passing day. If you have not already watched these testimonies please take a few moments to do so. And if you already have, I'd encourage you to do so again. It will remind you of what lasts and matters eternally and give you perspective and joy for the trials you may face today.

Their unshakeable faith, enduring hope, and deep trust in God's perfect wisdom and steadfast love has challenged me immensely. As you listen, watch for the joy and hope that shines forth from their faces and overflows from their hearts. And pray that God would continue to uphold and encourage their hearts.

If I lost it all
Would my hands stay lifted
To the God who gives and takes away

If You take it all
This life You've given
Still my heart will sing to You

When my life is not what I expected
The plans I made have failed
When there's nothing left to steal me away
Will You be enough for me?
Will my broken heart still sing?

- Kutless

Light and Momentary

"So we do NOT lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being RENEWED day by day. For this LIGHT MOMENTARY affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of GLORY beyond ALL comparison, as we look NOT to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are TRANSIENT, but the things that are unseen are ETERNAL." – 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

What precious words of hope these are! Our afflictions here are but "light" and "momentary" ones when held next to the incredible "weight of glory" that awaits us in eternity. How amazing it is to be a child of God, to belong to Him, and to know that His sacrifice

Thank you all for being patient with me in the face of how infrequent my updates have been. I continue to feel your prayers and am excited to share some praise reports with you!

  • The virus I was fighting is almost gone. I only have minor lingering congestion which is on its way out and no signs of a secondary infection. Praise God!
  • Nathan has had fewer seizures since you began praying.
  • My weight remains stable.
  • My symptoms have worsened over the past few days just as my doctor told me they could which is a good sign that my treatment is having a good effect.
  • Acupuncture and PT continues to go well.

Prayer Requests:

  • For endurance and strength as I press through the intensification period of these symptoms.
  • For my faith and joy to abound in the love of my Savior.
  • For wisdom for my nutritionist and my doctors.
  • For strength for my family as they care so faithfully for me each day.

I am so grateful to God for each one of you. Keep looking at Him. He is ever faithful to us.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Streams of Mercy Never Ceasing…

…call for songs of loudest praise. This line from the old hymn, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing," has been running through my head as I contemplate all the Lord is doing. He has constantly been at work to provide and care for me in so many ways. I am going to do my best to give you all a summary.

Last week, I had my first session of acupuncture with good results. The primary benefits I noticed were increased motility within my GI system and improved sleep that night. My acupuncturist especially hopes the treatment will stimulate the strengthening of my immune system. It looks like I'm going to continue with a few more sessions to see how my body responds, and I actually just returned from my second session this afternoon.

God is continuing to "turn the darkness before [me] into light." This past Monday I saw a new doctor who has a good deal of confidence that I will see significant improvement through my treatment with him. With each of these steps, I perceive the kindness of the Lord and can see His hand leading, providing, and guiding. Regarding Dartmouth, I am still waiting to hear back from the doctor there. He has my medical records and upon reviewing them, will determine whether he can squeeze me into his packed schedule before the fall. Apparently, he receives hundreds of requests like mine, and it does take some time to sort through them all. My dad is also looking into the Mayo Clinic.

Prayer Requests:

  • For physical strength as I begin a new treatment. I've been told to expect that my symptoms may worsen significantly following the first week and then begin to level out and improve somewhere around the end of the second/beginning of the third week.
  • For healing from a virus/sinus infection I came down with yesterday.
  • For continued guidance and wisdom from the Lord regarding my nutrition, supplements, schedule, etc.
  • For my joy and faith to increase daily that I might be a blessing to others and know and do God's will during this season.
  • For my brother, Nathan, who continues to endure severe seizures, sometimes on a daily basis.

Thank you all again. I can't stop saying it. You are incredibly kind to pray for me. I know it is not easy to keep walking alongside of those with chronic health conditions because their situation does not typically change overnight, yet you all continue to do this for me. I cannot tell you how grateful I am.

As God continues to bring together various pieces of the puzzle, greater clarity is emerging, but the ability to restore proper function and healing to my body rests in His hands. He is so wise, and He alone, as Nathan's nurse likes to remind me, is "the Master Doctor." We can trust Him as I continue to walk out the things that have been given me to do. Thank you for being such faithful friends.

When you stop trying to control your life and instead allow your anxieties and problems to bring you to God in prayer, you shift from worry to watching. You watch God weave His patterns in the story of your life. Instead of trying to be out front, designing your life, you realize you are inside God's drama. As you wait, you begin to see Him work, and your life begins to sparkle with wonder. – Paul Miller

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