Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back from Hopkins

This is Charissa's dad. I spent the last two days with her in the hospital observing firsthand the remarkable and effective joint of supply her network of praying friends is for her and for us (her family). I'm giving Charissa a rest and posting this update for her until the next time when she will be back online. The staff at Johns Hopkins decided that Charissa was still not a candidate for TPN or a feeding tube and that it was important that she continue to press her limited eating abilities as aggressively as she can. They didn't see a need to repeat any previous testing and had no new testing to offer at this stage. Her labs continue to be good and in fact they remarked how surprised they were to see just how good they were given the dramatic, prolonged weight loss she has endured. Charissa is aggressively trying to increase her caloric intake and this requires a constant battle with significant abdominal discomfort in the face of the digestive/ motility issues. Please continue to pray for God's complete healing of this disorder. Until that appears, I know she would appreciate prayer as well for the daily battles to increase and sustain her calorie consumption.


  1. Praying so much that she gains weight and increases like a balloon! God is faithful, and as I have prayed for her, have assurance that His love towards her will never fail. His love is higher than the highest heavens, and deeper that the deepest will He not give much more?? She belongs to Him, and is His cherished child.

    because He suffered,
    sandra groveman

  2. glad to have found this today! Israel and I are praying so much for you Charissa, and I see that my Mom-in-law has left a note here as well!


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