Wednesday, July 14, 2010

“In A Way That They Do Not Know”

The verse at the top of this blog has become very dear to my heart in recent months. The way ahead is not always clear – in fact, it usually isn’t! – but at every turn God has proven Himself faithful to simply take me forward. Just one more step. One more step. And sometimes it’s a baby step! Learning to take that one step forward into the little patch of light that illuminates a place for my feet is all I am asked to do. I often wish I could see further ahead, but my God is so much wiser, and He gives me what I need when I need it and not before.

As I step out in this new direction that involves hospital procedures I’d not have chosen on my own, I know that I can rest assured that the same God who has led me this far will continue to lead me down this path, turning every dark shadow into light, smoothing out the rough places, and more precious than anything, never forsaking me. I pray that this precious promise is a comfort to your own heart today. This is the kind of God He is!

You may wonder how I can trust Him to do this – someone I cannot see or hear an audible voice. It is not always easy, but I can do so because He has already proven Himself to me. He sent His very own Son, Jesus, down from the glories and beauty of heaven itself. He left perfection to come walk amongst the brokenness of our world. He clothed Himself in our frail human body with all its capacity to experience pain and imperfection. For 33 years, He lived out a perfect life in my place. Jesus then willingly allowed Himself to be put to death upon a cross. It was there that He received all the punishment that I deserved for my sin against a God who is holy and perfect and good in every way. God, His Father, then raised Him to life, demonstrating clearly that Christ’s sacrifice for my sins was sufficient and my debt had been paid in full. Because He has given His life for mine, I am now adopted into His family as a child of God, and I have the incredible hope of spending eternity with Him one day in a glorious New Heaven and New Earth. And so, if He has done something so great and at such infinite cost to Himself, then why should I not trust Him to continue to lead me through the dark valleys of this life? This is my hope.


  1. my dear friend, i will continue to pray for you as i have done countless times over the past few years. having gone through innumerable physical trials myself, i understand the "unchosen" paths and that though it is so hard, our Jehovah-Rophe is SO incredibly faithful and good. I am encouraged by your resolve in looking to Him... and pray that you continue to do so in the days ahead.

    I love seeing you write the word "hope"... because I know the only reason you have that is because of Christ.

    Love you!

  2. Oh, thank you, Emily! Your prayers are a precious gift. I know you really do understand, and I have watched you suffer and trust your God with such joy. It means a great deal to hear you speak of His faithfulness and goodness because I know some of what you have walked through and that you can STILL proclaim these things - that says a lot.

    Hope - how beautiful it is...we can't live without it, and you are so right. I only have it because of Christ.

    Love you, too!


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