Monday, September 23, 2013

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Hi friends, I would be grateful for extra prayers today. I have been experiencing increasing issues with my PICC line, and there are differing opinions amongst doctors as to whether it should be pulled or left in longer. The results of my last ultrasound last Wednesday are yet to be confirmed, but it seems I'm still dealing with a serious issue with blood clots around the line. Today, I will see my hematologist at 2:30 and will learn what her opinion is regarding how to best proceed. If we pull the line there is a risk of the clots breaking off and going to my lungs or heart. Then I would likely have to put another line in my right arm in order to get my daily hydration which would likely develop its own clots, and I would have to stay on blood thinners...but leaving the current PICC in also seems to keep the clots from resolving.

I also had a Dexa scan done last Wednesday which labeled me at "extreme risk" for fractures based on the severity of my osteoporosis. This means I need to be extra careful to avoid the smallest falls or accidents.

So, to keep this brief, I would be so grateful for prayers for healing, protection from bone fractures and breaks, and wisdom for what to do with the PICC line and my need for hydration. I don't k now the way through all of this, but I know God isn't surprised and is still at work.

So grateful for your prayers that help me press on....

"And what if trials of this life // The rain, the storms, the hardest nights // Are Your mercies in disguise..."

September 6, 2013
Thank you all for your prayers! God is answering them. Still waiting on blood cultures (24-48 hours) but I was discharged around 11:30. My white blood cell count isn't elevated so they think it is just a reaction and not an infection. Praise God!

They did find two clots in my arm and are recommending I have the PICC pulled if they don't show signs of improvement within a week. I also have to call Hopkins tomorrow to see what they want me to do. So I'm still facing some scary things-pulling the PICC could dislodge the clots but leaving it could keep them from resolving-but I know God is watching over each detail and I can lay it in His Hands and trust Him.

Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. – Psalm 27:14

Thank you again! So grateful.

September 5, 2013

Heading to the ER again with some type of infection in my PICC line. Grateful for prayers. Hard to face more antibiotics and another potential PICC placement. Grateful God has a plan for all of this....

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