Sunday, April 3, 2011

One Step at a Time

Dear friends,

Thank you all for continuing to stand with me through the hard times. Over the past week, I have been working closely with a nutritional coach as well as another nutritionist. I also recently started a new medication. God is sustaining me, but I would not be honest if I didn't say that the battle is very difficult right now. Almost anything I eat doesn't work with my system, and I am fighting to maintain my weight with the limited food choices I currently have. It is especially difficult to get up each morning and face the day, but God is teaching me to wait on Him one moment at a time. I know He is enough for me.

I would love to write more but don't have the strength at the moment. Thank you for praying. If you could continue to pray that He would provide wisdom and light for the path ahead, and give me perseverance I would be so grateful.

He has delivered me again and again. Can I not trust Him to do so once again?

I love you all.

"Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life." - Psalm 54:4


  1. I love you too, Charissa! Praying God blesses you with food and peace.

  2. We are still praying for you too. I am praying that God meets you with new help at each step.

    Ryan V


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