Dear friends,
Thank you for being patient with my infrequent updates! As much as I desire to post more often, I am continually learning that my limitations are greater than I think. I am humbled that you would continue to pray for me and carry me on your heart during the long silences.
I have MUCH to praise Him for! There have been some significant changes over the past few weeks.
Last week (beginning on Wednesday) I noticed a considerable difference in my overall strength and ability to carry out normal functions and was able to move around more than I have in a long time. Even more significant, though, is the greater faith, joy, and hope that rose up in my spirit that day. Though I am weak and each day brings its own challenges, I have continued to see an underlying difference and noticed that my spirit has a greater hope in the Lord and ability to take things one moment at a time.
Despite a few setbacks with my food and weight over the past few weeks, I have amazingly been able to put on a few more pounds again, so I’m continuing to make slow and steady progress in that area.
God sustained me through the new trial diet and then made it clear that it didn’t seem to be the right fit for where my body is currently at. I’ve returned to working with my other nutritionist and am continuing to try new foods. I hope to consider the other program at some point in the future when I’m a bit stronger and at a better weight.
This past Saturday I was able to attend a friend’s baby shower and a wedding back-to-back! (Since I don’t get out of the house much other than for church on Sundays, this made it a special treat, and my mom was so kind to go with me.)
Prayer Requests
That I might continually abide in Him, for I am very aware that I can do nothing apart from Him.
For rest in the Lord’s love and care.
For wisdom for me, my parents, and my nutritionist as we make daily decisions on what I should eat, what supplements I take, how much to rest, etc. and grace to deal with the symptoms that come with/after eating.
That I would continue to make progress in gaining weight and strength.
For healing in God’s perfect timing.
As I was writing this post, a song I used to listen to back in high school came to mind. I wanted to share a portion of it with you:
My God has given me
More than I ever dreamed
A precious family
And friends who care for me
Why should He love me so
Oh that I’ll never know
I am unworthy of it all
Still He keeps on givin’ to me
God's been good to me
Oh, God's always been good
God's been good to me
Oh, God's always been good
This perfectly describes my situation. I am “unworthy of it all” but “still He keeps on giving to me.” I am weak. I struggle with fears and doubts on a daily basis. But I have a God who is so much bigger than my weakness. Bigger than my sin. He has always been good to me and will be good every day of my life, whether that be a day of sickness or a day of health. This life is so short. Soon I will see my Maker face-to-face. At that moment, I will wonder why I ever had a moment’s doubt.
Regardless of where you may find yourself today or what you may be facing, I pray that you, too, would know this hope and joy. He is so good to us. He has given us His only Son and secured for us a place in His family for all eternity.
This God—His way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him. – Psalm 18:30