Sunday, February 9, 2014

Facebook Updates

Hi everyone,

Here are updates from Facebook from the last week. I'm still trying to get something together regarding the PICC removal. (If you read these, start from the bottom and work your way up.)


February 8, 2014
Made it home again. Thanking God for Katia and her sacrifice to not only go to the store for me but then take me to an urgent care. Wait. Take me to hospital. Wait. And wait some more. And some more. And some more...until she dropped me off at home after midnight. What a blessing! Also, grateful they got an IV in. I'll try to sort everything else out tomorrow. God knows what He's up to...feels like setbacks but He enables comebacks.

Photo: Made it home again. Thanking God for Katia and her sacrifice to not only go to the store for me but then take me to an urgent care. Wait. Take me to hospital. Wait. And wait some more. And some more. And some more...until she dropped me off at home after midnight. What a blessing! Also, grateful they got an IV in. I'll try to sort everything else out tomorrow. God knows what He's up to...feels like setbacks but He enables comebacks.

February 6, 2014
For those who really want to know, today's total was 23 ounces. Been hard to push higher, but "God will make a way where there seems to be no way!" 

"For there is no one like our God// There's no one like our God// There's nothing that can stand against You// There's no stronghold You can't break// No life that You can't save// Our God you NEVER fail..."

February 5, 2014
Total Fluids (Day Five) = 20 ounces

Today it was harder to see progress, but it's on these kinds of days when I have greater opportunity to "walk by faith and not by sight." Thank you all for praying and for helping me expect more. 

In light of all the challenges today, I especially want to take a moment to praise God for the following...ability to use my hands at all (some people can't like my little brother). a beautiful Canadian geese formation above me just as the moon started peaking out at dusk. the ability to make it to the doctor AND the ultrasound, too. that I took in 20 ounces instead of nine or anything less. stories of God at work in so many lives. the book of Acts. the beauty of the ice-covered trees. that greater things are yet to come.

February 5, 2014
Extra hard day...had an appointment with the hematologist and the nurse there was able to draw my labs the normal way (this is when you miss your PICC but probably one of the only times!) and ordered an ultrasound to check on the status of the clots. I overheard the technician giving the report, and it sounds like they're still there, but I know God is able to deal with these, too! Considering having iron injections next week and will hear at that point regarding my blood thinner.

The liquids are quite a battle today (and so is everything else)...feeling sicker and in more pain than usual, but I'm fighting to tell myself that this isn't how it will always be and NOTHING is impossible for our God.

Hoping to make it to prayer at church tonight, but I just want to say a big "thank you" to Ashley for not only taking me to my appointment in Bethesda but then tacking on the unexpected LONG wait for me while I had my ultrasound done across the street and then swinging me by the store to get water. So grateful.

One day, I'll get that post done about the hospital last week. It was really encouraging, so I want to make sure to share!

February 4, 2014
Total Fluids (Day Four) = 23 ounces

I had a more difficult time getting in the volume of fluids I hoped today. But maybe part of that was because I actually put six more ounces in just after midnight last night, so I'm not sure if that goes with yesterday's total or today's. 

Anyway, despite the slower progress today I want to thank God for...a good PT appointment. running into a friend unexpectedly. walking with Jenna. Psalm 23. having my sister hangout at our place. first time showering without the process of wrapping my arm in a plastic bag in almost three years. a kind word from an employee at the grocery store. the prayers of friends.

February 3, 2014
Total Fluids (Day Three) = 23.5 ounces

It truly is amazing to type these numbers out, and I continue to do so for several reasons.

1) It shows that "nothing is impossible with God!"
2) It encourages us to keep praying because our prayers are heard and answered!
3) It helps me to see some kind of progress when it's difficult to measure that by how I feel from moment to moment. 
4) It's just great to have something encouraging to share for once!

Thank you so much for praying! It's NOT easy. My stomach hurts a lot. I'm thirsty but can't handle the volume my mind wants to drink at once. I'm dizzy, weak, and things just don't work right. But I want to keep pressing on because that is where LIFE is found and God is able to do FAR beyond all we could ask or imagine.

I do still want to share how things went last Friday at the hospital and what comes next. Hope to get that post together soon.

Thank you all for rejoicing with me and helping me. I honestly was quite discouraged on Saturday and have continued to be tempted towards that, as I didn't believe this was much progress, but your encouragement has helped me to realize this IS something to be thankful for and reason to keep asking for more. Each day is a fight. But "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13).

February 2, 2014
Total fluids (second day) = 19.5 oz! ...and this despite many obstacles.
#thankgod #presson

February 1, 2014
Total fluids (first day) = 15 ounces 
One ounce higher than my record before the PICC came out.


February 1, 2014
Still can't seem to tolerate the computer screen without my head going wacky. Dizzy, headache, weak, lightheaded, etc. I had really hoped to be able to share more. In His time. Thank you, friends. Tempted towards much discouragement but I know He is able to overcome all of this...faithful always.

January 31, 2014
Sorry, friends, I wanted to update and share praises but having my first real migraine aura, and I can't look at this screen. My heart goes out to you who have these all the time! Good night!

January 31, 2014
Line is out. God is faithful. Now to climb this mountain and pray for Him to level it or take me over the top. #thankyouforpraying

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